Our Heavenly Father,

Jesus, Use us as your ministers to reach out to those that are hurting, with your love. Allow those that are sick and suffering to recognize you as the Great Physician and that all healing comes from your hand. Allow those that are suffering grief, from the loss of a friend or loved one, to see you as the Prince of Peace and fill their loss with your everlasting love. Enable and strengthen us as we seek to reach a world that is lost and bound for eternal hell with the knowledge that you - and you alone - are the way, the truth, and the life! Protect the many that are traveling this week and lead us boldly into new arenas, proclaiming the truth everywhere we stand!
Lord, We thank you for the privilege of being born in the Southland! Thank you for the examples you have provided us with in our Southern ancestors - examples of faith, endurance, and honour! May the things that we do and the places we go give you glory and not bring dishonour upon those that have gone before us and provided us with such a rich heritage! It's in the Holy and Precious name of Jesus Christ that we pray - Amen! ~ John Stones